In 2019 I began the journey of writing a book at first I didn't know what to write about and it click I was going to write an autobiography about my coming out and my mental health journey I didn't know what to name my title of my book one idea was My Coming Out Story and I know what title to come out with and that was I Am Deanna I wrote and wrote hard by starting to write by pin to paper when I was finish I decided to go to the library to type it out as I type and type the pandemic happened and I couldn't go to the library to finish when I hit a brick wall I know I needed resources that's why with the money I have I bought a computer and continue and afterwards I turned it in to a publisher a week later I got a call and they approved me to began the publishing process that wasn't a happy ending the publishing company that wanted to publish my book was asking for money and fees to edit so when I sign a contract to get my book out I decided to drop out and go back to the drawing board that's when a friend of my suggested self publishing which I decided to do I decided to self publish a book through lulu and with in weeks my book was on Amazon and I was happy with the world it was release to the world and share my story with everyone months after my release i decided to write my second book entitled Road to Recovery which I am still working on when I look back on writing my first book I know I was going to share my story to everyone and knowing that I am in your shoes you are like me and I am like you